If it's wrong, I've probably said it...
Another story from the grocery store
Published on July 26, 2004 By chiprj In Humor
If I could get a person 'on the line' with my half a head of lettuce story, I usually would reel them in with this one...

Every day, we took turns buying a two liter bottle of Coke to drink in the produce back room. This was my day, so I was standing in line at the checkout waiting my turn. The old lady in front of me glanced back at me and then did a double take. She had a weird look in her eyes, and since I was in my uniform (a green vest, peach tie, and a name tag) I figured in the name of customer relations, I'd ask her if there was anything I could do for her.

She hesitated at first, but then said that I looked very much like her only grandson. Before I could comment, she went on to add that he had passed away in a car accident recently. Well, what do you say to that? I didn't know what to say, but the old lady graciously broke the uncomfortable silence with a smile and she reached out to touch my hand. I was touched that while she must obviously feel sad at the memory of her loss, she thought to try and comfort me when I couldn't think of anything to say. She then turned around and waited for her turn.

Just before the cashier took her basket of groceries, she turned around and asked me something odd. She asked if I would please call her grandma, just once, as she walked out the door. I really didn't think that I could say no, so I told her I would. I didn't pay much attention to what happened next, as I was trying to sort out what I was getting myself into. When my turn at the register came, I handed over my two liter and turned to watch the lady walk out the door. At the last possible moment, I called out "Goodbye, grandma!" I felt pretty good about myself for doing it and then turned to the cashier. She smiled at me and said, "That will be 54 dollars and 37 cents." I laughed, thinking she was just playing a joke on me. She repeated the total and I said, "Look, I gotta get back to work, quit playing around and take my dollar." She once again repeated the total and added that my grandmother said I would get her bill....

My jaw dropped...

I tried to curse, but words wouldn't come out...

I finally got ahold of myself and told the cashier to hold on, I'd be right back and I ran out the front door. It took a moment to find the old woman. She had quickly thrown her bags into the front seat and was trying to get into the car while starting it up at the same time. I ran at the car and managed to keep the door open but she put the car in gear and tried to drive off. I slipped and the only thing I had to grab was her leg. And so I pulled on her leg. And I pulled on her leg. And I pulled on her leg...

Just like I'm pulling on yours right now.

on Jul 28, 2004
That was pretty damn funny.
on Jul 29, 2004
Thanks. I got a lot of mileage out of that story at the store.
on Jul 31, 2004
I see how...