If it's wrong, I've probably said it...
Busy, busy
Published on May 23, 2006 By chiprj In Blogging
So, yeah, it's been a while since I posted any real new content. I'd like to blame it on being busy. I have been extremely busy. But it's more to do with my laziness about blogging. I seem to have caught whatever greywar caught, only I think I got it first and have had it longer. HAHA! So, on to an update!

We had Language Day 2006 last Friday. Language Day is an annual event here at DLI where we set upcultural displays, teaching demos, technology demos, entertainment and have ethnic food booths. We then invite high school students from all over to come view everything. It's a nice PR deal to let people see what we do here. We include seminars/demos on foreign language instruction for teachers as well. It is also a very thinly veiled recruiting tool for the military. We invite high schools to bring students that are studying a language and we try to show them how great it is to learn a language here at DLI. Generally, they are students from California but we do get some schools to come from outside the state and even get a few students that travel here independantly from their schools with a parent from all over the nation. I think we got some from the east coast this year.

For the third year in a row, I've been involved with the planning and execution for my school. This was the second year in a row I was the overall NCOIC from my school. My building hosts cultural displays from many of the language departments from DLI. Our school also supports Language Day by providing instructors to do teaching demos of Korean for the visiting high school students. Additionally, we also have an instructor that trains some of our students in the traditional Korean Fan Dance and they perform on the center stage.

This year went fairly well. I was extremely busy with preparations over the past two months and it got more intense the closer the event got. I won't bore you with the long list of after action review comments I have. I wrote two pages that summarized events and had suggestions with how to do them better next year - I tried to stay brief. It ran fairly well but there are areas we can improve.

I think the best thing I heard all day was from a high school student in the hallway. He said to a friend that he felt as if he were in the Amazing Race.

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on Jun 05, 2006
It is always good to hear of your good teaching methods and other things of interest in your life.