If it's wrong, I've probably said it...
Finally something not related to a funeral
Published on September 13, 2006 By chiprj In Blogging
So, yeah, not so busy day at the office today. I graded all the homework and have some spare time before my next class, so I'm catching up a little on my JU habit. HAHA!

A few months back I'd seen stuff going around the net and on tv about Sudoku. The numbers logic puzzle thing, you know? It looked kind of interesting. The first one I ever tried was at a Jiffy Lube. I was reading the ESPN magazine in the waiting area and they had a baseball Sudoku. I didn't have a pen, so I just started working it out visually and it made the wait go by quickly.

Well, while I was at NTC, I had periods of down time and I needed something to help with passing it. So, I went to the PX and picked up a crossword puzzle book and a Sudoku book. Yeah, so now, I'm addicted. I love puzzle type things and this is no exception.

So, to share my addiction with you, here is a link to an online Sudoku site. Enjoy!

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on Sep 13, 2006
I was playing a game and it had a Sudoku element to it...it was the first time I ever saw something like that and now recently it seems to be a pretty big thing. If I have the time, I don't mind giving it a whirl...sometimes it gets really frustrating, though.

on Sep 13, 2006
I am avoiding that site as Sudoku is addictive!
on Sep 19, 2006
Bro, sudoku is the shit. If you like that, you might like the FTU MA FTU MA games that they have in Korea. They publish a little puzzle book every month or every other month, and it's called "Lotto". It has the explanation of how to do the puzzles. It's a math/logic thing too, and it makes pictures. They're pretty cool. I got absolutely hooked on them when I was going to school in Korea, and now I've got my Mom and my daughter hooked on them too.... If you can't get a copy of the books sent to you, let me know, and I'll make a few copies of some of the puzzles and send them to you to try out.....