You mean you don't have a plan?
So, I was at work yesterday and I was hanging out in the office at the end of the day with a couple friends. We got on the subject of money and that somehow led to the lottery. I mentioned that I heard on the news that someone had won the $290 million jackpot a few days back and we started in on how to spend that much money.
Well, I don't know who was more suprised... my friends because I was able to roll out a detailed plan of how I'd spend such a windfall, or myself because my friends didn't have a plan. I haven't had any sleepless nights over how I'd spend this fictional money, but I have thought about what I'd really like to do if I had all the money I needed to do it...
So here's the question - What would you do if you won the lottery? And since the jackpot isn't usually $290 million, let's say that you won a jackpot big enough to collect $1 million a year (after taxes) for the next 25 years.
Here's my plan (not in any particular order of importance) -
I'd buy a home in Hawaii. Island of Oahu. I've spent a good portion of my Army career on Oahu and I love it there.
I'd buy a home on the central California coast. Gotta have a mainland hideout and I'd put it somewhere between Monterey and San Francisco.
I'd set up members of my family with homes/money to fix/add on to their homes. (Now on $1 Mil/year, I'm not going to be able buy all those homes in the first year, but it would all happen).
I'd set up my niece and nephew with college funds - cousins and seconds cousins, too. Any family member that wants to go to college, goes. Same goes for the children of my good friends.
Here's my favorite part - I'd buy a fully loaded RV and drive all over this big, beautiful country of ours and I'd see at least one Major League Baseball game in every stadium in one season (I know, I stole the idea from that MasterCard commercial, but that doesn't make it any less valid a lottery fantasy) and I'd go to see every Monday Night Football game in one season, too. My wife likes this idea very much, too. I've gotten her interested in baseball and she'd love to spend time on the road, seeing things all over the US between the games. During football season, I'd do my best to follow John Madden's horse trailer, too.
Beyond that, I don't know how much more I'd do. I know I would travel beyond the RVing. Probably all over the world for a year or so. And then, I don't know... maybe another go around on the baseball stadiums. I do love baseball.
So, what would you do?