So, today, I've been wanting to rant, rant, rant... REALLY RANT, RANT, RANT! But, I'm fighting my inner troll because I know what's good for me and what's not. So, this will not turn into a blog about why I... wow, just typed a whole paragraph there before I realized that's exactly what I didn't want to do... Thanks, Backspace for getting my back(space)...BWAHA!
So, instead of ranting about ... there I go again. I will win this fight! The inner troll will not prevail. I am a nice guy! No, really, I am. I just hate it when you... Geeze, there it goes again!
OK, I just pushed the chair back from the computer and looked out the window at the great view I have of the Monterey Bay. Whew... that's better. I can now go on without mentioning your inability to.... Whoa, that one took me by surprise... Happy Place. Happy Place. Think of my Happy Place. Think of my Happy Place populated by swimsuit models with beer... Oops, that last part wasn't supposed to be out loud but since I'm abusing my backspace key, I won't take that out...
Now, if I could just get to bloggin' about something other than how you always... Happy Place. Swimsuit Models. Beer. OK, now I'm good.
Just deleted two paragraphs. The inner troll will NOT win this one.
blinking cursor...blinking cursor...blinking cursor...
OH, SCREW IT - If you want to post some r{BACKSPACE}... Not gonna happen. I got Swimsuit Models serving me Beer in my Happy Place.