Another old picture of me (and some friends)
Been a while since I posted a picture blog. This shot is from when I was a student attending class right here at DLI. It's from July 93. We were just past the halfway point of our class and had already lost four of the ten students we'd started with. One of the guys in this picture 'rolled' into our class after several months of medical hold for a knee injury. Sadly, we lost him about two weeks after this picture was taken and another one of the guys about a month later. Both were for non-academic reasons and both eventually finished the course (one of them left and came back years later to do it again).
As of today, I know that five of the guys have gotten out and I'm pretty sure the sixth has, too. I'm the only one left from 'C¹Ý' (section C).

This may be the oldest picture I have of myself in the Army. I'd been in for less than a year at this point.