Cause, I don't want to look lazy...
We recently changed our weekly PT plan. We used to do two (kind of) long runs a week and now we do only one. The difference is that the old runs were timed runs and too many people were shamming. They run 20 minutes out really slowly and then pick up the pace and get back in 12 So now, our long run is for distance, not time. For those of you familiar with DLI and the Monterey area, we start at Museum Field (at the base of the hill) and head down to the bike path and run out to Lover's Point Park and come back the same way. No idea on the mileage but it's more than 3 and less than 6. That's really about as good as my distance estimation skills go. Good thing I'm not a forward observer...
Well, we got emails detailing this change last week. The guy in charge of planning PT got tired of the shamming, so he specifically wrote in the email that we'd be doing this run every week and that he'd hold everyone accountable for doing the complete distance. He wrote that he'd wait at the halfway point for everyone to reach him before running back and checking to make sure everyone made it back safely. Yesterday, he reminded everyone of the change and to be ready to do this run. This run is to date the longest run we've done at PT. Well, we got to the field this morning and one of the guys brought his dog. And acted surprised when the leader told him that he'd still be expected to do the whole run, despite having the dog with him. He even suggested maybe leaving the dog behind in the car.
I was the first person to get to the turn around point and check in with the leader. This only pisses me off a little these days. I have a permanent back injury and I don't ever have to run another step if I don't want to. I have a permanent note from the doctor that says so. But, I'm out there regularly outrunning healthy individuals who either don't respond well to attempts to motivate them, or worse yet in my mind, ignore the attempts. One guy comes to PT regularly with an excuse that he got hurt playing football. Well, quit the team, jackass! I mean, if you don't pass your next PT test (and he won't with the way he's been running lately), your participation on the team isn't going to save you.
I stopped for a moment to catch my breath and talk with the PT leader. He wasn't very happy with the dog guy or the football guy. I agreed with his assessments of both individuals. When the next Soldier showed up, I started back. On my way back, I passed football guy and our walker (a Soldier that is recovering from a knee injury and should be fully recovered soon). Then I passed dog guy. He was behind the walker! And, he'd already turned back! I reminded him that the group leader was waiting at the turn around point and he acted surprised that we actually ran all the way out to the park. Holy Crap! You were warned in email last week, at PT yesterday, and this morning and you're surprised! Jackass!
I don't know how it turned out. While I was at the halfway point, I was told to stretch out on my own when I got back and to take off when I was cooled down. But, I'm waiting for the email.