But the afternoon could get ugly...
It's has been a pretty good morning, so far. We had a long run for PT this morning (Museum Field to Lover's Point Park and back). My back has been feeling good lately, so once I get past the first mile or so, I'm warmed up and running fairly well. I actually beat our PT leader to the turn around point today, but that has more to do with the fact that he let us start early while he waited for stragglers to show up. He is significantly faster than me but as I got closer to the turn around, I really wanted the small victory of getting there first. So, I really pushed hard to do that. I met him on my way back, less than a quarter mile from the turn around, so he was getting close. I knew that he'd wait there to make sure all the other Soldiers made it there safely, but after the little victory of getting out first, I wanted to be first back. I know, it's not really a fair competition when he gives head starts and waits for people and I don't take competitive pleasure in the thought of beating him under those circumstances, but at the same time, I do take pleasure in knowing that I've pushed myself to do something that I couldn't do a month ago, under those same circumstances.
After PT, I went home and cleaned up. I woke my wife up. We had to go pick up my car from the dealership after having a bunch of work done on it yesterday. While I waited for her to get ready, I logged on to WoW. I had tried to get through a new quest last night, but so many people were working on it at the same time and only one person could be successful every five minutes, I gave up for the night. I got on this morning and was the only person in the quest area, so I knocked it out in about five minutes. My wife was ready to go a couple minutes later, so I logged out, happy that I'd finished it so quickly. I had mostly logged in to just get myself into position to finish it later, but got lucky.
We drove out to Salinas to pick up my car. The only ding so far this morning was the price of the work done. I got several warranty things knocked out today, but the car was due for it's 30,000 mile services and that was pretty pricey. Over $400.00, of which, $300 was labor! What the crap? $300 for labor on $120 worth of parts? Crazy! But, I did get some safety recall stuff done and they also got the part for my airbag ordered. All in all, the car is in good shape and has low miles. We've had it for 4 1/2 years and it's just over 30K miles, so if putting a little money into the services keeps it in good shape and keeps the warranty valid (it's 10 yr/100,000 mile), I guess I won't complain too much.
Work is pretty much a joke right now, too. I work in a TRADOC (Training and Doctrine Command) unit, so during the holidays, everything turns off. The students are given a break that lasts a little over two weeks to take leave. Everyone left behind works a half day schedule. So, I come in to work at 0800 (PT is at 0530) and hang around the office drinking coffee and doing whatever. I've been working on a project where I have been retranscibing all of our numbers practice drills. They were rerecorded a couple years back, but the people that did the recording made some mistakes or changes from the original transcripts, so they don't match perfectly. I've been going back and listening to them and correcting the transcripts. There are over 100 drills, so it take some time. I've been doing a few a day and then just kill time until lunchtime, which is the end of the duty day for us. Exodus break is a nice time to be in TRADOC.
Well, the little hand is nearly on the 11 and the big hand is nearly on the 12, so that means my half day is nearly over. I'm outta here! Wish me luck. I have to go to the DMV and renew the registrations on my cars. That is sure to be 3 hours of my life I will never get back...
PS: This was my 200th post here at JU!