Things are looking bad for North Korean hair bands...
A good friend of mine forwarded this story to me yesterday - North Korea campaigns against long hair, untidy attire. Apparently, North Korea wants its masses to leave well groomed, tidily dressed corpses after they starve to death. Also, we all know that long hair leads you downt he corrupting path of capitalism and democracy, and they don't want any of that up there. HAHA!
My favorite part, and the only part I'll quote here, is this gem - "Not only health and hygiene but also intelligence was cited by the North Korean media as reasons for the crackdown on appearance.
Pyongyang television noted long hair "consumes a great deal of nutrition" and could thus rob the brain of energy, according to the BBC. "
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's all I have to say about that!
I also like the part about secretly catching long haired, anti revolutionaries on camera. Good stuff. Reminds me of a story I read a while back about Chinese officials trying to shame middle aged men into not going shirtless in public by running their pictures in newspapers. HAHAHAHA!
And, while few can deny that Kim Jong-Il is a snappy dresser, I'm thinking he might just need a trip to the People's Barber...

Morning laughs make for a great start to my day!

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