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I Hate Crappy Music
Don't you?
Published on January 14, 2005 By
What is it with all the crap that's on the radio these days? I've spent entire drives to or from work hitting the seek button and spinning through the radio stations to find nothing but crap. It doesn't help that Monterey has a particularly lame array of stations and terrain that makes pulling anything in dicey at best.
Once I find a station that is playing something that doesn't suck, they follow it up with something like Modest Mouse. I mean, really? Modest Mouse? Musical geniuses deserving of the critical acclaim I keep hearing about? Really? I'm not buying it. Sounds like a bunch of whining from some lame guy (of course, that could also describe this blog and at least they are getting paid).
Now, before you enter the comments section and tell me you know exactly what I'm talking about, you should know that I can absolutely guarantee that there is something in your winamp playlist or CD changer that is utter crap. Maybe even Modest Mouse? Or, probably harder for you to imagine... The Red Hot Chili Peppers. I can't stand those guys. Honestly. To me, their music sounds like a bunch of lame regurgitations of prior songs. I think you can safely classify all of their music down to all the songs that sound like "Bwahuuuuhuhh" and songs that sound like "nyaaaaaammuuuunyaaaa". Utter Crap. Except for Higher Ground. But I attribute the fact that that song doesn't suck more to the song, not the band.
Well, now that I've probably insulted a number of people and their two favorite bands in the entire world... I'll be going. This has been a drive by blogging and notice I don't mention who doesn't suck... Nothing like being opinionated about something negatively and leaving little for retaliation! HAHA!
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on Jan 14, 2005
I got your back here. The music industry has cast aside talent for flavor and sales over the past ten years.
I used to work in radio a few years back, and i noticed the trend coming. I couldn't take it anymore. Shilling music that you think sucks is no fun...Believe me.
on Jan 14, 2005
Ah...it's all in the eye of the beholder...
Or would that be...it's all in the ear of the dude with his finger on the radio...
If you had a pc at work, you could always listen to Yahoo Radio, which is interesting because you can "train" it to play whatever you want. And it's free which is always a bonus...
Now if you don't have a pc, you could always resort to singing to yourself...
on Jan 14, 2005
I have moaned about this time and time again. It is a depressing trend that can only be staved off by our willingness to seek out music that doesn't suck. It is out there. We just have to keep searching.
*BlueDev's ears were assaulted by Meshuggah's insanely brilliant "Future Breed Machine" while typing this response*
on Jan 14, 2005
Meshuggah ROCKS! I love those guys. They picked up where Pitchshifter left off!
on Jan 14, 2005
Meshuggah ROCKS! I love those guys.
Yes they do. They are amazing.
on Jan 14, 2005
Another problem with radio is the obnoxious DJ's that work in the industry; for some reason the DJ and/or the station programmer seems to think that customers wish to hear the idiot ravings of the DJ instead of playing another tune.
As to content, at least you have some choice. My tastes tend to run to John Mayall, John Lee Hooker, Dave Brubeck, and late-sixties/early-seventies rock, with a few groups from the eighties. For me, most newer music doesn't hold much for my tastes.
on Jan 14, 2005
I knew when I said. How can anyone listen to this crap music, that I was indeed getting old.. I just do not get it {music} anymore
on Jan 14, 2005
"I knew when I said. How can anyone listen to this crap music, that I was indeed getting old.. I just do not get it {music} anymore"
I know the feeling; I think it is due to the fact that I am from a different subculture. I turn 53 next week, and my outlook and perceptions of the world are different from someone half my age, so I have difficulty relating to the music, which is usually bound up in the emotional process of the current subculture and their perceptions of the world in relation to themselves; hence we do not always share common tastes. I do find it interesting, however, how people of alll ages tend to be found in some types of music, yet in other types of music there is definitely an age index involved.
on Jan 14, 2005
I listen to and enjoy most all music from classical to speed metal with the exception of rap/dance.
In our area we have 4 really good radio stations, one that's modern country, one that has older country and southern rock mixed in, a true classic rock station and a station called MIXX that plays a little of all popular genres but, still go light on the rap/dance. So I guess here in SW MO we are pretty blessed with radio.
Ohh, I almost forgot on all but one of the stations the DJ's only cut in every 15 min for news and weather and it's usually 90 sec or less. Commercials are the only thing that urks me........
on Jan 14, 2005
I agree with your article, chiprj. I rarely hear anything on the radio I like anymore. Usually, I find myself listening to CD's on the way to school.
However, with the crappiness of today's music I have discovered 80s music again.
on Jan 14, 2005
A lot of current stuff sounds the same. Music just isn't as fun or as moving as it once was. 80's was a fun era with all the bouncy tunes, and was an era of great rock ballads as well. Music is mostly depressing nowadays, maybe it's just the way the times are.
on Jan 24, 2005
I agree with about the lack of quality in the mainstream music business lately. Have you ever listened to KPIG or KKUP? Depending on what kinds of music you like, you might enjoy some of the programming on those two. Of course, it's been three years since I was in Monterey, so they could both suck now. When we were there they had some pretty cool music and shows, though. Good luck!
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