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Really bad back day
Published on January 19, 2005 By chiprj In Blogging
Don't remember the specific instance, but I did something wrong last night. I was fine after an evening run. Took a shower and put on some house clothes (old t-shirt and some pajama pants). Played a little WoW and fetch with the dogs. That's probably what did it. Bend over for the dog toy 100 times in the same exact manner and then do it wrong, just once, and bam! I started to feel it when I went to bed. It was actually painful to roll over on my back. It was really bad this morning. Took me a long time to actually stand up straight when I got up for PT this morning.

All day long, I've had minor tremors and spasms in my lower back. Nothing to actually send me crashing to the floor yet, but I can feel it coming. I've been taking it easy and not moving around to fast. Any kind of twist, turn, or bending motion is risky. Hauling the Christmas tree out to the curb was an adventure this morning. So was picking up the 20 pounds or so of homework books that I had to grade between classes. Just hope I don't have a major spasm looking over my shoulder to check a lane while I'm driving home tonight.

Looks like I may have a date with the heating pad, some motrin, and the couch tonight after work.

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on Jan 19, 2005
Sorry to hear that chip. I have never had a serious back injury, but I torked mine the other day lifting weights and have been paying the price. Hope it gets better soon.
on Jan 19, 2005

Aww, Chip...I feel your pain, brother.  I know how finnicky backs can be...I can lift heavy things and not have mine complain, but then it spazzes out on me getting a cantelope out of the fridge. 

As you know, the only remedy is heat, rest and anti-inflammatories.  Good luck to you....hope you feel better soon!

on Jan 19, 2005
I am sorry your back hurts. I would tell you to take a nice hot bath, but I am not sure if that would put you in the gay column. Do guys take baths? Jack Daniels is a good cure though too if you want to steer away from the bath thing.