If it's wrong, I've probably said it...
And the winner is...
Published on February 25, 2005 By chiprj In Current Events
Been surfing Korean websites today. Found a really interesting article that I'll either translate it or, more likely, find an English link later about SK revealing that the reason for the 1998 North Korean missile launch really included the launching a satellite. The comments on that one are GOLD! One guy demanded that the SK president of the time period be immediately brought before a Korean court and be sentenced to death. Really.

But, while clicking through links, I found this. Just goes to show, we in the US don't have a monopoly on the news of the weird.

Police Book Man for Starting Fight over President's Eye Job

Check it out. It's a short article. What the title leaves out (and yet, I found it to be a very important piece of information) was that he started a fight with a woman. AND he punched her in the face.

I'll only cut and paste this gem - "Lee asked for forgiveness, claiming that in a state of drunkenness, he mindlessly struck the woman whom he thought was mocking the president."

Well, that makes everything OK, doesn't it?


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on Feb 28, 2005

Sometimes we're glad not to understand all of the Korean going on around here.  

Thanks for the link, though.   Looks like a good site for the news in English.

on Feb 28, 2005
I think that a lot of things in Korea are "okay" if they happen while you are drunk. When I busted out my teeth my Korean supervisor at the time was pissed because he thought I had been in a fight. When I explained that I had just gotten stupid drunk and fell flat on my face, he totally dismissed it as an accident that was totally excusable due to the alcohol.

In another wacky Korean story, this case came down last summer in Korea. The short version: Husband rapes wife. Husband is arrested. Court makes landmark decision to convict (all previous cases had been dismissed, because Korean law dictated that there was no such thing as rape in a marriage, seeing as sex is a "duty" for the woman). Man is sentenced to 30 months in prison. Prison sentence suspended for 3 years, due to husband's admission of regret, and explanation that he was drunk when it happened, and he was angry since his wife had requested a divorce. That was his defense. Amazing.

on Mar 23, 2005
It took Korean injinuity to figure out how to give landlords the tools they need to force deadbeats out of their apartments. It's amazing how far ahead the Korean knowledge of technology is when compared to other peoples, but, somehow a lots of people don't know this.
on Mar 24, 2005
It took Korean injinuity to figure out how to give landlords the tools they need to force deadbeats out of their apartments. It's amazing how far ahead the Korean knowledge of technology is when compared to other peoples, but, somehow a lots of people don't know this.

Thank you peter for that on the spot comment! It's amazing how far ahead Koreans are at staying on topic! How far ahead can you be when you can't even be bothered to use an online dictionary to check the spelling of a word in a post as brilliant as this - ingenuity - I'm old school, so I used the Merriam Webster Dictionary from off my desk.

But to touch on your comment, the tech in Korea is very nice. There is nothing in this post that bangs Korean technology. Just a bit of ridiculous news to show that the US doesn't have a supreme monopoly on idiots. There is some very nice practicality built into the idea of being able to buy a coke out of a machine or pay for your groceries with a cell phone. But some things that often go unmentioned about this great tech and how the US (or other parts of the world, for that matter) lags behind is that many Americans don't care to pay for their groceries with their cell phones. We have debit cards. Same thing. Well not quite, I mean, it's still easier to buy a book from amazon with a debit card. There's no place to put your cell phone number on the order page (well, not for billing purposes). Also, upgrading the infrastructure to support such technology in stores would be much more difficult in a country the size of the US. But, if we wanted to do it in just one spot, like a state the size of Indiana, it'd be a lot easier.

Oh, and I almost forgot - Kimchi refrigerators! Woohoo! No longer will your Gakduki smell like your O-ee!