If it's wrong, I've probably said it...
Published on March 24, 2005 By chiprj In Blogging
Was cruising a forum board earlier today (not JU, but there are some here that I'd like to ask this question sometimes) and I saw a post that generated a lot of responses and interest. As I read it, it was obvious that the OP was just trolling the board with an idiot story and he kept defending it out of (what I presumed to be) boredom.

Best line was "Did you guys eat stupid sandwiches this morning?"

Absolute comic gold. Thanks, Chops!

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on Mar 25, 2005
I am definately going to remember that one. Timeless.
on Mar 25, 2005
My friend Steve works at a jail close to where I live, and he uses that line alot when he talks about the inmates.

It's a classic...I'm going to have to start using that myself.
on Mar 29, 2005
I am definately going to remember that one. Timeless

It's a classic...I'm going to have to start using that myself.

I'm thinking about making it my sig line... maybe even integrate it into my JU comments...