Apparently, last summer...
Between my current assignment (TRADOC) and my last assignment (SUSLAK), I've been out of the normal rotation of assignments. Not quite out of the "green" Army, but outside of what is common for the "green" Army. And it shows.
Today, I saw a warrant officer in the barbarshop. Or at least I though he was a warrant, but when I saw him sit down, I could clearly see MI branch insignia on his left collar. From across the room, I couldn't tell if his right collar bar had dots or not, so I thought maybe I had been seeing things, but I was sure I'd seen CW4 rank. He seemed a bit old to be a 1LT. When I got up from the chair and headed to the cash register, I confirmed that he was a CW4 AND was wearing MI branch insignia. I had no idea they had changed from the old warrant officer corps symbol.
I went back to my office and later asked a friend when that had happened. He told me a few months back. A quick google search and I found out it was last July!
Apparently I am out of the loop on some things. Way out of the loop.

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