I almost forgot to write this article!
Don't know why, but CRS (Can't Remember Shit) Syndrome has been really kicking my ass lately. Three times in the last week I've forgotten to grab my cell phone on my way out the door. I know, some of you may think that's freedom, but I like to have it with me. I've gotten away from wearing a watch all the time, so I rely on it for the time more than almost anything else, really. Not only did I forget my phone this morning, but I also forgot my ID. So, when I got to the base, I had to pull over and go into the security shack to prove I was who I said I was. We have a system here that allows the security personnel to pull up our ID data, including our ID photos, on a computer so they can easily verify our identity. So, I got through without too much trouble.
I initially chalked it up to my wife being out of town for a week. That really threw me off my routine. I was also standing in as PSG while the real PSG was on leave and that required a change in my normal daily routine. But my wife is back and so is the PSG, so this morning, I have no real excuse to blame.
Guess I'll just have to get some brain tonic...

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