Nor am I the brightest knife in the shed
So, a while back I posted about online reunion/alumni services. You can read it here - Online Friend and Alumni Finder Services.
One of the things I wrote about was an impending 20 year reunion with the friends I'd attended grade school with. We all went to a Catholic school and had been together from 1st through 8th grades. There was interest in getting together, so some of my old friends went to the trouble to set this up. They contacted a bunch of people, sent out invites, and made plans for a two day event in Cleveland.
I had initially expressed interest in going but didn't commit because I wasn't sure if I'd be able to get leave to actually go. I knew that I'd be having new students come in about the same time, so I wanted to wait until the day approached before I committed to going. Well, the day got closer and I was able to arrange for some vacation time. Just five days, but I'd be able to fly back to Ohio and be back with minimal disruption to my work schedule. I had lost the invitation with all the dates, so I went from memory for my planning.
Well, after the reservations were made, I contacted my friend via email and asked her to send me a copy of the schedule.
Turns out, I was a week late. So much for my memory! HAHA! I can't believe I goofed it up like that. The really funny thing is that the workdays I would have missed last week would have been better than this week.
Sometimes, I'm not the sharpest brick in the drawer.
The good news, though, is that many of my friends live in Cleveland, and they will be able to meet me this weekend. Also, the Reds will be in town, so I can catch the battle for Ohio, live and in person! Go Indians!

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As a postscript - This is my 300th post here at JU and it comes just days before my one year anniversary of posting my first post. Many thanks to greywar for leading me here.