If it's wrong, I've probably said it...
Just one thing... really!
Published on December 13, 2005 By chiprj In Blogging
Don't get me wrong, I like COSTCO. I don't mind the crowds of people there. I don't have a problem with buying a membership that could potentially cost you more than you save, if you only buy bagels and big pizzas. I don't have a problem with their exclusive policy on AMEX or cash.

I like COSTCO. We go almost every weekend and buy at the least, a couple cases of waters.

I hate their shopping carts, though. I don't know if it's the coating on their carts, the floors, or maybe the soles of my shoes (or even a combo of all three). But every 10-20 feet, I get a ridiculous shock from just pushing the cart. I've taken to pushing heavy carts with just my fingers touching the plastic shell on the cart. I'd rather deal with cramped fingers and slow, wide turns than risk getting shocked.

I hate that!

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on Dec 13, 2005
There's no COSTCO'S around here, and I've never been in one.

HOWever.....onetime while shopping at a little Ma and PA store, I got a shock
from the conveyor belt! I almost fainted from it!

weird things DO happen, I totally believe you're getting shocks.
on Dec 13, 2005
So, like I'm not the only one. Cool!
on Dec 14, 2005
So, like I'm not the only one. Cool!

HAHA! It's funny, I walk around and actually look for other people pulling their hands away from their carts, but I never see them. I was wondering whether it was something about me only. HAHA!
on Dec 14, 2005
lol...I think it might be CostCo's way to subconciously...subconciously...hmmmmm...

I'm glad that there's no more CostCo's here. I think that Sam's is cheaper than CostCo and has more crap.


lol...good luck! Maybe you should carry an AED with you just in case?
on Dec 15, 2005
You might try changing your socks. Seriously. Especially if you're going in there in uniform. Those wool socks rub sometimes and build up a charge. Those fleece jackets they sell out there too.

I've got a beautiful suede jacket with a silk lining I hardly ever wear because if I forget to touch the car door with my keys first, the static charge shocks the crap out of my fingers.
on Dec 15, 2005
Nah, we're going on the weekend. I'm wearing plain old cotton socks, although, that could be part of the problem. Maybe next time I'll wear different shoes/socks than normal. Then again, I hate being shocked so much, I might just decide not to risk being shocked and just go with the finger cramp push instead.

Or maybe, I just need to have my wife start pusing the cart...
on Dec 16, 2005
Drag a chain from your ankles. That should do the trick.
on Dec 16, 2005
Drag a chain from your ankles. That should do the trick.

I already said I go with my wife.
on Dec 18, 2005
dont wear cotton underwear--I have seen this kind of thing on MYTHBUSTERS
on Dec 19, 2005
dont wear cotton underwear--I have seen this kind of thing on MYTHBUSTERS

Hmmm.... but that's all I got... This will make for an interesting trip to Coscto next weekend....

And the chain to the ankle/wife thing was just a joke!