Took some new pictures of my girls tonight. We took a break from playing chase the tennis ball and I got a few good shots in the hallway. Umji has a dirty face - I swear it gets dirty 5 minutes after a bath. And they both need haircuts. Bad. Aji went into season right about the time we planned to take them so we had to postpone. The groomers don't really appreciate that sort of thing. Makes the boys go crazy. I'll post more when they get their hair cut.
Here's another picture. It was taken in July 94. This one is from right after Day Zero of Air Assualt School. For those of you that have never been, Day Zero sucks. That's all, plain and simple, sucks. We started by being lined up and loaded onto trucks. They drove us out to East Range where it was raining, as always (we used to say that if you were in East Range and it wasn't raining, you weren't really in East Range). When we got of the trucks, we had to do push ups for being too s...
I brought home a bunch of the pictures I keep in my office and scanned them in. I figured I'd share some of my favorite Hooah! pics. So, over the next week or so, I'll post them (along with more poems from my younger days). The story on this one. This picture is from Dec 93. I just turned 23 and this was after a graduation ceremony. The man in the center was the Commandant of DLI back then. A realy scary guy. He was a tabbed out Special Forces Colonel and did his best to greet all...
I did this once before and it got a decent response. I was checking out some of my favorite 'daily' links today and I came across this picture at the Astronomy Picture of the Day . There's a link in my sidebar. This is actually yesterday's picture (I was a bit busy at work, so didn't check it out then). Check it out and check the archives, too. There are some truly beautiful pictures there. You can see the Earth Lights at Night picture in the archives. There's all kinds of really cool...
It's kind of old, but it's one of my favorite pictures I've found on the net. My favorite part is that South Korea looks almost like an island off the coast of China since North Korea is so dark. Yee-ha! for NASA!!!