I was going through some old links under my favorites and came across this link. I laughed until I had tears coming out of my eyes the first time I saw it and I did it again tonight. This is some really funny stuff. Link I think the Michael Jackson one and the closing the window if you're a mutant are some of the funnier ones.
I was going through some old links under my favorites and came across this link. I laughed until I had tears coming out of my eyes the first time I saw it and I did it again tonight. This is some really funny stuff. Link I think the Michael Jackson one and the closing the window if you're a mutant are some of the funnier ones.
The most dangerous things you will ever hear in the Army (by rank): Private - "This is something I learned in Basic..." Sergeant - "Trust me, Sir." Lieutenant - "Based on my experience..." Captain - "I've been thinking..." First Sergeant - "Watch this shit..."
The most dangerous things you will ever hear in the Army (by rank): Private - "This is something I learned in Basic..." Sergeant - "Trust me, Sir." Lieutenant - "Based on my experience..." Captain - "I've been thinking..." First Sergeant - "Watch this shit..."
This is going to turn into a multiparter because there's just too many for one post. For as long as I can remember, I've enjoyed playing jokes on people. I try to stay good-natured and there are lines that I won't cross, but a good laugh at another's expense is a good day for me. A good laugh at my expense is also a good day. I think I'm a good sport and I don't mind them being played on me - too much. I can take a joke; I just like doing them better. At the last place I worked, we ...
This is going to turn into a multiparter because there's just too many for one post. For as long as I can remember, I've enjoyed playing jokes on people. I try to stay good-natured and there are lines that I won't cross, but a good laugh at another's expense is a good day for me. A good laugh at my expense is also a good day. I think I'm a good sport and I don't mind them being played on me - too much. I can take a joke; I just like doing them better. At the last place I worked, we ...
A sergeant was passing the barracks after lights out, when he heard some voices from inside. He threw open the door, and shouted: Listen, you guys! A few minutes ago you heard me say "Good night." What you must realize, is that when I say "Good Night," what I really mean is "Shut the f*ck Up!" After a few seconds, from somewhere in the far back of the dark room: "Good Night, Sergeant."
A sergeant was passing the barracks after lights out, when he heard some voices from inside. He threw open the door, and shouted: Listen, you guys! A few minutes ago you heard me say "Good night." What you must realize, is that when I say "Good Night," what I really mean is "Shut the f*ck Up!" After a few seconds, from somewhere in the far back of the dark room: "Good Night, Sergeant."
First edit - By special request from a prior post - This is a greywar service announcement. Reading this article and drinking any liquid can be detrimental to your computer equipment and your sinuses. Use caution while reading. I got this in email a few years back and kept it in a word document because it's so funny. Some truly priceless stuff here. Kids these days... HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHOM TO MARRY? You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she...
First edit - By special request from a prior post - This is a greywar service announcement. Reading this article and drinking any liquid can be detrimental to your computer equipment and your sinuses. Use caution while reading. I got this in email a few years back and kept it in a word document because it's so funny. Some truly priceless stuff here. Kids these days... HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHOM TO MARRY? You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she...
As I sat in my office eating lunch, I suddenly had a flashback to a childhood memory. I distinctly remembered the plot from an Encyclopedia Brown story and it really felt good to remember somthing like that. I borrowed Encyclopedia Brown books from the library all the time and I remember they were great reading. You could read one of the many stories in each book very quickly and I definetely enjoyed the stories where I figured out the mystery before I turned to the solution page. I m...
As I sat in my office eating lunch, I suddenly had a flashback to a childhood memory. I distinctly remembered the plot from an Encyclopedia Brown story and it really felt good to remember somthing like that. I borrowed Encyclopedia Brown books from the library all the time and I remember they were great reading. You could read one of the many stories in each book very quickly and I definetely enjoyed the stories where I figured out the mystery before I turned to the solution page. I m...
Another example of how wrong I can be. A friend of mine came to visit one night and noticed that one of my dogs only had three legs (we had three maltese at the time). He also noticed that we babied this dog above and beyond what he'd ever seen a person do before. He asked about the dog and I told him that one night, there was a fire while we were sleeping and if it hadn't been for this dogs barking, we'd have slept through and never made it out. He then asked if that was how the dog lo...
Another example of how wrong I can be. A friend of mine came to visit one night and noticed that one of my dogs only had three legs (we had three maltese at the time). He also noticed that we babied this dog above and beyond what he'd ever seen a person do before. He asked about the dog and I told him that one night, there was a fire while we were sleeping and if it hadn't been for this dogs barking, we'd have slept through and never made it out. He then asked if that was how the dog lo...
OK, so another installment of workplace fun. What smells like shoe polish? OK, so the same guy we hit with the frozen rank and quest to find said rank was also our target for the shoe polish. We had two phones where we worked. A red (secure) phone and a black (unsecure) phone. I think you can see where this is going. We spread shoe polish all over the transmitter and reciever on the black phone. Then I drew the short straw to be the guy that had to brief our 'mark' while the rest o...