So, today, I've been wanting to rant, rant, rant... REALLY RANT, RANT, RANT! But, I'm fighting my inner troll because I know what's good for me and what's not. So, this will not turn into a blog about why I... wow, just typed a whole paragraph there before I realized that's exactly what I didn't want to do... Thanks, Backspace for getting my back(space)...BWAHA! So, instead of ranting about ... there I go again. I will win this fight! The inner troll will not prevail. I am a nice...
Been surfing around and found this. Neat stuff. So, what happened the year you were born? In 1970 (the year you were born) Richard Nixon is president of the US A federal jury finds the "Chicago 7" innocent of conspiring to incite riots during the 1968 Democratic National Convention The lunar spacecraft Apollo 13 splashes down in the Pacific after near catastrophe The first Earth Day is marked by millions of Americans participating in anti-pollution dem...
Found this on Estrogen Lass' blog . You can just fill in your answers in the top three fields and click the button and it will take you to a new page with your answers and the code to cut and paste (if you want). Here's my results - What kind of God are you? Name DOB Favourite Color You earthly time was spent "Laying" with the sons and/or daughters of men for hours... and days... and weeks... Your throne is A humble respt...
Who the heck is Lela Sesler? And why does he/she think that I want to hear from him/her every day? Multiple times? Well, goodbye Lela. I've set up a filter to send you to the junk box! HAHA!
Last night, I wasn't sleeping very well. I don't know if it was because I was worried about the visit to the USCIS today or because my back has been bothering me lately. It was probably a combination of both. Sometime during the night, both of my dogs decided that they had to be right next to me. This isn't too unusual. They usually take turns sleeping on my pillow or my wife's pillow or between us or down by our legs. But last night, they were right up against me and wouldn't budge....
Today is the day. We'll be leaving to drive up to San Jose in a little less than an hour and when we get there, my wife will have her interview for citizenship. I can think of only a few days more appropriate than Voting Day (a month ago would have been better - my wife has already expressed regret that she's so close to voting and won't be able to) to do this. I found out that many offices don't do same day ceremonies (including this one, sometimes), so it may turn out that she succes...
We went to Costco today. It was pretty busy and the parking lot was packed. We found an empty spot fairly close and I got ready to pull in, but there were two carts right in the middle. A cartjockey was adding a third and a fourth and, apparently, without seeing my car, walked away to get another. When he came back with the fifth, I know that he saw us, but he turned away and went to get more carts. I was too surprised at his apparent disregard for me to roll the window down and say some...
Melting pot? Salad Bowl? Something in beteween? Or none of the above? Call it what you will, I'm going to call it the best nation on the face of the planet. And next week, I'll be taking my wife to the local INS office for her final interview for citizenship and barring any problems, she will become a US citizen! I honestly don't know who is more excited or nervous about it. She's been doing some studying and I've been trying to help out. I recently made some flashcards for her wher...
I wasn't always a coffee drinker. I fought the demon for years during my early Army days. Coffee drinkers couldn't understand my lack of desire to drink coffee, just like I no longer understand how someone could not drink it. Of course, I go one step further and can't understand how anyone could add cream and sugar to something so perfect as coffee, but I digress... I first started drinking coffee when I attended the Primary Leadership Development Course (PLDC) in 1995. That is a cours...
Yeah, I'm bored today. It's after the second football game and the ALCS hasn't started just yet. So, here are a some pictures from my first tour to Korea. These pics are from the week we spent down in Taegu. Our Platoon Leader (usually a 2nd LT position) was a West Point grad CPT (talk about taking it in the shorts) and was a bit of a jerk. He made us act as if the 'deployment' was under exercise rules. During the drive down and back, we had to be in full battle-rattle. We weren't al...
OK, so I posted this last year, but I figured in honor of national talk like a pirate day, I'd repost it. Yeah, I'm lazy. Years ago (1991), I was a part of a GASP (Gilbert And Sullivan Players) production of The Pirates of Penzance - The Slave of Duty. It was my first attempt at community theater and it was a lot of fun. In honor of National Talk Like a Pirate Day, I dug out some OLD pictures from that production and scanned them. So, here you go - Pour, O pour the pirate sherr...
I came back from 11 refreshing days of leave yesterday. The running joke all day was, "Oh, by the way, this/that/the other came up while you were gone and it's your job to work it. Now, the reality is most of it was really my stuff that had just piled up while I was gone, but it was still funny for everyone else to let me in on each piece of information a little at a time. I found out that I have lock up duty this week. That's fine, because the last time before this recentl vacation, I ...
I burned the last of my use or lose leave for the year last week. It was nice. I didn't think about work for 11 whole days and I got a fair bit of WoW in. Yeah, I'm still feeding that addiction. I did get out in the sunlight and away from the keyboard, though. I'm not that far gone. My wife got off early on Saturday and we packed up the dogs and headed up to Lake Tahoe. It was kind of a last minute planned thing, so I had to scramble to find a pet friendly place. We didn't want to s...
I sometimes use a Magic 8 Ball in class. Usually, I will use music and a hot potato style game to give the students something fun to do. When the music stops, the person holding the Magic 8 Ball will have to do whatever task I've set up. Mostly, I use it in grammar sessions and it gives the student a chance to use the new grammar with each other while keeping a sense of randomness (it's not random, I watch and make sure everyone gets a chance to be holding the Magic 8 Ball), so they don't ...
Fairly hectic day today. Started out at 0630 when I woke up with a minor headache. Normally, not a big deal, but today, I had my reading comprehension DLPT. This is my annual Korean test and based on my scores, I get paid up to $2400 extra a year. Reading is my strong suit, though, so I wasn't too worried. If you're a long time reader, or just a back page digger, you'll know that I scored a perfect score on the reading test last year. I took a different new form this year (there are...